Comissioned wall for Guerrilla Tacos a recognized restaurant located in Arts District, Los Angeles, Carlifornia, EEUU.
This is the Dat Rosa Mel Apibus
In alchemy, the white and the red rose are well-known symbols for the lunar and the solar tincture, from which the "precious rose-coloured blood" of Christ-Lapis flows. And the Shehina, the brilliance of celestial wisdom on earth, is understood in the image of the rose, and "the collection of honey" stands for the common inheritance of theosophical knowledge. “Thus the whole parable of the Song of Solomon finally refers to the object of our rose-cross: 'I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the field'”. As regards "the correct procedure for attaining the rose-red blood of the cross that is poured (as quintessence) in the centre of the cross", Fludd used the image of wisdom: the work of the architect as a labourer of God on the building of the temple.
— R. Fludd, Summum Bonum, Frankfurt, 1629
— R. Fludd, Summum Bonum, Frankfurt, 1629