Comisión para SC Graffiti Hostel, ubicado en La Candelaria, Bogotá, Colombia. Se utilizan elementos tradicionales colombianos para representar el jaguar, animal representativo del amazonas, la orquídea la cual es la flor nacional de Colombia y para adornar el jaguar se crean unos elementos de joya a base de esmeralda, piedra preciosa que se encuentra en todo el país.
Comissioned mural or SC Graffiti Hostel, based on nature and typical costumes of my country Colombia. The jaguar is a symbolic animal that represents power, The god Sun transforms itself into a jaguar to travel to the world of the death and its spots respresents the stars. The Orquidea flower is the most diverse in Colombia and our country is the principal producer of Emerald a beautiful mineral with green marble texture.